WOTD: Write
Since today is the National Day on Writing (YAAAY–go write something), all of us at The Brown Bookshelf have shared our reasons for writing. I stated my reasons in the following poem:
by Tameka Fryer Brown
I write to express my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs—
Poignant or not,
Sleeve-worn or not,
Endorsed by the general masses
Or not.
I write because I have something to say
And a right to say it.
I write because my muse has infused my literary tongue
With brilliance unparalleled;
And because she’s abandoned me so
I’m trying desperately to coax her back.
I write because I can.
I write to avoid mopping, dusting, vacuuming,
Tubs, toilets, tile,
Dirty windows, dirty laundry, and dirty dishes…
Because a writer has a good excuse to avoid these things,
But a stay-at-home mom
With kids in school all day
Does not.
I write toward self-actualization.
I write to keep my wits sharp.
I write to show insecure Girl-Me that I can,
To show other self-doubters that they can, too.
I write because words are beautiful things
That I cherish…
And I pray, someday,
Some child will cherish mine.
So…why do YOU write? Please share your answer at The Brown Bookshelf — or even *write* here.
(Haha. I crack me up. Agape!)