I’m honored to announce that AROUND OUR WAY ON NEIGHBORS’ DAY has been designated an ACTION BOOK CLUB™ selection by LittleFreeLibrary.org®!

Any group of people (families, friends, classmates, organizations, existing book clubs) can sign up to participate in this wonderful, service-oriented endeavor. Per the website, the idea is as follows:
“In a new twist on the traditional book club, Little Free Library’s Action Book Club™ invites participants to read books on timely topics, engage in lively discussions, and take part in meaningful—and fun—group service projects to benefit their communities. This is reading and social engagement at its best.
After completing a service project, participants can share their experiences online with other Action Book Club members. Through trading stories, ideas, and successes, participants will contribute to a national conversation and inspire others to take action in their own neighborhoods.
The Action Book Club’s current theme is Good Neighbors, which celebrates the power of community, kindness, and taking action where you live.”
For more information on the program and how to register, visit LittleFreeLibrary.org/ActionBookClub